The big pond in Back of Beyond was home for many animals of all sizes and shapes, including Burton the Beaver. This delightful tale is based on a strange but true story about a real beaver who borrowed. ISBN #9780995931329
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Also based on a true story, this book is about the adventures of a timid kitten who wandered into the lives and home of the McDuffs and Eric-the-Cat. ISBN #9780995931312
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Bernard Bunny brings a smile to the face of the adult reader with his wilful but thoughtful "badness". Children can delight in Bernard and his gentle and cautious interaction with his world. ISBN #9780995931336
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Here is a true story about a Tamworth pig who was so unusual and intelligent that we felt compelled to write his memoirs. Eddie performed tricks on command and was a polite and helpful pig. The author did not need to embroider or embellish Eddie’s feats for the reader’s enjoyment. ISBN #9780995931350
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